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Королева пустелі - Джорджіна Говелл

Читаємо онлайн Королева пустелі - Джорджіна Говелл
Hellenic Studies, xxx (1910).

— The Palace and Mosque at Ukhaidir, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1914.

— Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia, London: HMSO, 1920.

— Great Britain and Iraq: An Experiment in Anglo-Asiatic Relations, London: Round Table, published anonymously, 1924.

— Persian Pictures, New York: Boni & Liveright, 1928.

— The Arab War: Confidential Information for GHQ Cairo, Dispatches for the Arab Bulletin, London: Golden Cockerel Press, 1940.

— Lowthian, The Teachings of Hafiz, London: Octagon Press, 1979.

— Arab War Lords and Iraqi Star Gazers, Gertrude Bell’s The Arab of Mesopotamia, USA: Authors’ Choice Press, 1992.

— The Hafez Poems of Gertrude Bell, Bethesda, MD: Iranbooks, 1995.

— The Desert and the Sown, New York: Cooper Square Press, 2001.

— Amurath to Amurath, A Journey along the Banks of the Euphrates, Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2002.

— with Sir William Ramsey, The Thousand and One Churches, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1909.

Загальні праці

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The Leo Amery Diaries, vol. 1,1896-1929, London: Barnes & Nicolson, 1980.

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Doughty-Wylie, Charles H. M., letter to Jean Coe, 20 April 1915, Imperial War Museum, London Doughty-Wylie memorial window, Theberton Church, Suffolk, www.syllysuffolk.co.uk.

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Forth Rail Bridge, Heritage Trail Publications, www.theheritagetrail.co.uk Freeth, Zahra, and H. V. F. Winstone, Explorers of Arabia from the Renaissance to the Victorian Era, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1978.

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